ताजा अपडेट


TU Notice for Bachelor Level 4th Year Regular and Partial Examiners

Gyan Khabar

ज्ञानखबर संवाददाता

७ कार्तिक २०७७, शुक्रबार
213 पटक हेरिएको
TU Notice for Bachelor Level 4th Year Regular and Partial Examiners
Tribhuvan University, Examination Control Office, Balkhu published the notice for Bachelor Level 4th Year Regular and Partial Examiners 2077
The regular and partial candidates of the fourth year’s Bachelor’s level of 2077 BS can go to the website of Tribhuvan University Examination Control Office www.tuexam.edu.np to select the district of their choice and go to the link and include the required proofs along with the details specified in the attached form.